Friends and Family Vacation Rental in the
Florida Keys
Beach Vacation Rental in Key Largo, Fl
How it all Began 1917
The property owned by Frank Sweeting was acquired by him in 1923. The Main house was built in 1917 by a ship's captain. The cottage was added in 1934.
Mr. Frank E Sweeting was from Bloomington, Illinois, and came to Key Largo in 1920 and fell in love with fishing. He acquired land and bought the house now named Shadow Point from a boat Captain up from Key West who build the house in 1917.
February 6, 1926
Shown above are 35 sawfish believed to be a world record, which were caught off Anglers Park. Key Largo Florida, by Frank E. Sweeting, of Bloomington, who is promoting land Interests In Florida, and Captain Bob Denny, of the houseboat Dorothy. The largest fish is 17 feet long and weighs 750 pounds. It fought for an hour after It was -harpooned. The above picture was taken after the boat was docked Mr. Sweeting has long been been known as an ardent disciple of Izaak Walton and Is a member of the Bloomington charter of the lzaak Walton League. On numerous occasions Mr Sweeting has exhibited in Bloomington, sailfish caught in Florida Waters. Muskel lounge taken from the deep cold waters of the northern resorts, and his latest catch will be of more than passing Interest to Bloomington friends.
The Izaak Walton League is an American environmental organization founded in 1922 that promotes natural resource protection and outdoor recreation.
Date founded: 1922
1923 Sailfish caught by Frank