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Friends and Family Vacation Rental in the
Florida Keys
Beach Vacation Rental in Key Largo, Fl
Welcome to
Shadow Point
Key Largo, Florida
Historic Shadow Point is the perfect place for a Family Vacation Rental.
It has 2 historic Beach Houses
surrounded by water on a 2.5-acre lush garden and hammock point.
We rent for 7 nights or more depending on the time of year
and event. Over major holidays we only rent for a week or more.
It's All About The View!
Take A Deep Breath!
Relax on over 2+ acres in our beautiful
Hammocks and Swings looking out
at our fabulous views

Quiet moments in the morning

"Shadow", Our Mascot Overlooking
Historic Shadow Point
Trellis and view of Water

Moonrise and Sunrise over Key Largo Sound

Yes -we can fit a 47' Intrepid at our dock
Orchids blooming in front of house
With her Flower in her Hair and her Mona Lisa Smile, She is Our Wonderful Caretaker
"Tawanda" our Sea Nymph Bedazzled"
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